Stop wasting resources. Make your assets smart.

UReason’s Industrial Apps accelerate your digital transformation towards asset autonomy.

We help organizations optimize the performance and reliability of their assets, driving operational efficiency and reducing costs

Welcome to UReason’s Asset Performance Management (APM) software and apps! Our cutting-edge products are designed to help organizations optimize the performance and reliability of their assets, ultimately driving operational efficiency and reducing costs.

With UReason’s APM software, you can effectively monitor, analyse, and manage the health and performance of your assets in real-time. Our advanced analytics capabilities enable predictive maintenance, allowing you to identify potential issues before they escalate into costly failures. We leverage machine learning algorithms, probabilistic risk models and deterministic rules to provide validated early actionable insights.

We help organizations optimize the performance and reliability of their assets, driving operational efficiency and reducing costs.

Our APM Apps are asset-centric, vendor-agnostic, plug-and-play, and offer intuitive interfaces and user-friendly dashboards, empowering your team to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently on asset reliability and integrity.

Whether you’re in manufacturing, energy, utilities, or any other industry with motors, pumps, control valves, actuators, heat exchangers etc, our Apps are tailored to meet the needs of operations.

Say farewell to unplanned downtime and preventive and corrective maintenance practices. With UReason’s APM solutions, you can maximize asset uptime, extend equipment lifespan, and boost overall productivity. Experience the power of proactive asset management and take your operations to the next level with UReason!

Your Data, now with more

The Data You Have but You Are Not Using

At UReason, we understand the value of asset data stored in data historians.

For many years, our clients have been diligently collecting vast amounts of data on their assets, processes, and operations.

However, we also recognize that simply storing this data is not enough to drive meaningful insights and improvements.

Often, organizations struggle to fully leverage the wealth of information residing in their data historians.

Data may be siloed, fragmented, or underutilized, leading to missed opportunities for optimization and efficiency gains. But fear not – UReason is here to help unlock the untapped potential of your asset data.

We help unlock your data's full potential

  • For specific assets like motors, pumps and control valves we provide readymade solutions (Apps), plug-and-play, that utilise the data you already store for many years.
  • Next to this, we can provide tailor-made solutions using our expertise in extracting actionable insights from complex datasets.

With UReason's software, you can transform your historical asset data into a strategic asset.

Gain a deeper understanding of your operations, streamline decision-making processes, and drive continuous improvement across your organization.

Don’t let valuable data go to waste – let UReason’s software help you harness its full potential and unlock new opportunities for success.

UReason has developed a unique software capability with APM/APM-Studio that differentiates from other Asset Performance Management software providers.

How We Differ

We combine domain expertise and machine learning in causal models to reach very high accuracy in identifying failure mechanisms. Predictive maintenance is all about understanding when a failure is going to happen, and this is driven by models that can detect the existence of failure mechanisms, not the failures.

Our go-to-market is also substantially different from other APM/PdM solution providers. Fused by the changing market conditions we offer Industrial Apps for an easy start to digitalization without the need to install additional sensors. The platform behind the Apps, APM/APM-Studio, is also available to you to develop (in a low-code fashion) your own solutions.

All our software, APM/APM-Studio and our Apps can be deployed in the cloud, on-premises, on edge and on-chip. Connecting to a variety of data protocols, persistence providers to collect sensor/asset data and easily integrate with enterprise EAM/CMMS and other systems.

History in Creating Significant Business Cases

Our roots go back 20+ years supporting Shell in their Smart Field developments. With end users like BP, Yara, Evonik, KUKA etc. we have a track record of providing proactive real-time monitoring solutions that give early insights into the existence of failure mechanisms and asset integrity and availability.

End-user business cases are typically around:

  • Insight into and reduction of risk – avoiding unplanned downtime by 5-10%;
  • Reduction of inspection and maintenance costs – changing from preventive/corrective maintenance strategies to data-driven maintenance strategies reducing maintenance costs by up to 50%;
  • Reduction of energy costs – starting always by providing insights and optimizing energy usage with savings of up to 20%; and
  • Extending asset lifetime – using the existing operational data to determine asset performance and real usage extending lifetime up to 20%.
BP - UReason's customer
Suez - UReason's customer
KUKA - UReason's customer

But we also enable OEMs to pursue new digital solutions and servitization models. Our roots with OEMs also go back 20+ years to Siemens Energy adopting our software for real-time predictive maintenance on gas turbines. Starting in 2012 Cameron/Schlumberger adopted our software in the delivery of monitoring drilling operations and critical assets. And from 2013 onwards Halliburton adopted our technology as the cornerstone in their oil-field digital transformation initiatives. The boundaries of hardware enabled us to support the Samson Krohne joint venture FOCUS-ON in their delivery of the Focus-1 control valves to the market since 2019.

Siemens - UReason's customer
Cameron - UReason's customer
FOCUS-ON - Partner of the OI4 Demonstrator's consortium and provider of Smart Valves
Halliburton - UReason's customer

Proven Results in Weeks, not Years

Data Scientist at UReason's office in Rotterdam

Proven Results

Our APM Studio and Apps have a track record of delivering tangible results swiftly. From streamlining operations to boosting efficiency, our solutions have transformed businesses across industries.


Accelerated Implementation

With our intuitive platform and pre-built Apps, implementation is seamless and efficient. Say goodbye to lengthy deployment times and hello to rapid progress.


Realize Value Sooner

Why wait for years to see results when you can experience the benefits in weeks? UReason APM Studio and Apps are designed to deliver immediate value, ensuring a quick return on investment.


 Time is of the Essence

In today’s fast-paced world, time is a precious commodity. That’s why we prioritize delivering impactful results in the shortest time possible, enabling you to stay ahead of the curve.

Take the Next Step!

Download our Ebook

Dive deeper into the world of Asset Performance Management with our insightful e-book. Gain valuable knowledge and insights that can revolutionize your operations.

Explore our Brochures

Discover detailed information about our products and solutions through our brochures. Get a comprehensive overview of how we can meet your specific needs.

Try Control Valve App Demo

Experience the power of our control valve app firsthand with our interactive demo. See how our innovative technology can optimize your processes.

Get in Touch

Have questions or need further assistance? We’re here to help! Feel free to reach out to us by leaving your contact details, and our dedicated team will get back to you promptly.

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